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Seasonal Flower Display Spring 2023, Sydney


Year Designed




Design Services Included

Concept, Layout Plan, Planting Plan

Constructed Year


Length of Design Period
3 Months
Project Description

The Concept of the Spring 2023 Seasonal Flower Display in Sydney explores the theme of ‘Plants as a Resource’. Plants are a vital resource, integral to our wellbeing and survival. They are not only sources of nourishment but also pivotal players in our ecosystems, contributors to our economies, and foundations of medicinal practices. Moreover, plants hold significant cultural and religious value, enriching our lives in countless ways.

The installation was across twenty different sites throughout the CBD area and included Hanging Baskets, Greenwalls and planters. The designs brought seasonal colour and fragrance to the different areas for workers, tourists and other visitors to enjoy. From edible plants species, medicinal herbs and native bush plants through to plants integral to fashion and textiles, each selection illustrates the myriad ways plants enrich our lives. As the plants mature and change colour throughout the season, the display becomes a dynamic, living tableau in the heart of Sydney, offering a unique opportunity to witness the beauty and utility of these remarkable resources. Of particular interest was the seasonal ‘Field of Wheat’ installed at Customs House which matured through the display period.

Wild Rain & See Yiap



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